Clinical Services


Psychological Evaluations

  • Neuropsychological Evaluations - designed to help you and your child understand the how and why of the issues.  That is, to provide an understanding of how that youngster processes - both outside information and internal systems
  • Psychoeducational Evaluations - designed to screen for current educational status

Treatment – Children and families

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Individuals, Couples and Families
  • Therapeutic interventions for children around educational needs
  • Therapeutic support for children around social needs
  • Therapeutic support for young people around family issues
  • Therapy with Children/Adult Children of Divorce
  • Family Therapy

Parenting Education /Advocacy -

  • Support for parents through attendance at IEP and 504 meetings
  • Parent support through the teaching of parent management techniques

Adult Services - 

Here the fusion of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Neurocognitive Learning Therapy shines.  Clients are engaged in a highly personalized and interactive process to  understand how they have come to this point in time, to help establish goals for themselves and to learn the skills necessary to achieve those goals.

  • Individual Therapy
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Divorce issues


Workshops and Training

The Institute maintains an active workshop and training schedule designed to introduce Neurocognitive Learning Therapy to interested individuals. Please contact the office for an updated training schedule.


Basic Certification: The Institute currently offers a program for basic certification in Neurocognitive Learning Therapy. The program consists of 6 hours of online or in person class and an examination based on class material and material from the book Neurocognitive Learning Therapy: Theory and Practice. Springer 2017.

Advanced Certification: A program in advanced certification that will allow the interested practitioner the opportunity to train other clinicians is in development. Please check back for information as to when it will be available


Parenting Education

Parent involvement is essential when working with children and it is essential for the parents to understand the principles and techniques of NCLT so that they can understand  and participate in the work being done with their children. The Institute offers parent training seminars designed to increase the awareness and knowledge of parents.


Neurocognitive learning Therapy is a model and theory based in neuroscience research. As such it conducts an active program of research and publication to the scientific community on the latest research that pertains to the effectiveness of NCLT theory and treatment methodology.


Next Steps...

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